
In November 2013, a few Army moms heard from their deployed sons that other soldiers in their units weren’t receiving mail or care packages from home.

So, moms being moms… they decided to take it upon themselves to mail care packages to their sons’ battle buddies!

It wasn’t long before the Army families began to adopt these forgotten deployed soldiers; one soldier at a time and making sure each of them received a “little bit of home” as well as essential supplies.

Within a short period of time word spread among the soldiers’ families, military groups and organizations and soon care packages were being sent; not just to deployed Army service members, but also to deployed Marines, Air Force and Naval service members around the world.

Although in the past few years the actual number of deployed troops has diminished, the need and the demand for care packages continue to grow, as military budgets are cut and PX facilities close.

In August 2014, Soldiers Around the World officially became a 501c(3) non-profit organization, allowing it to increase its fundraising capabilities, and thereby expanding its mission.

Today, Soldiers Around The World (SAW) supports over 6,000 service members deployed in Afghanistan, Iraq, Africa, Qatar, Kuwait, and South Korea, as well as other areas around the world!